Beautiful Indian Birds are Captured through the Lens of Anirban Adhikary | Indian Birds

Bird Photography | West Bengal | India

I'm Anirban Adhikary. I'm a freelance photographer. Basically, Photography is my Hobby. Here, I attached some of my landscape shots, share with you. Please do comment & share. Thanks for viewing.

Birdwatching or birding means going outside to enjoy watching birds. It is a popular hobby. Someone who does this is called a birdwatcher or birder. Bird Photography is one of the most popular genres of nature photography and it is my biggest passion. Photographing birds is very interesting and challenging. You will need some special skills and equipment to capture attractive avian images.

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Beautiful Indian Birds are Captured through the Lens of Anirban Adhikary | Indian Birds Beautiful Indian Birds are Captured through the Lens of Anirban Adhikary | Indian Birds Reviewed by Anirban Adhikary Photography on February 08, 2020 Rating: 5


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